In a PERFECT world, how would you design a "benefit" plan for you (the Business Owner), your key executives, and your family? Well, in this Episode, Matt goes through some design options available when starting a brand new plan.  In essence, you have a blank piece of paper that allows you to build it YOUR way.

Sit back grab your coffee, and listen to some options available to you depending on your role.

As a business owner, how do you keep your best people and properly plan for yourself and your executives?  Well, Bud Schiff, past President of Mutual of New York (MONY), past president of NYLEX Benefits, managing director of Alvarez and Marsal gives his insight of over 50 years in this podcast about employee retention strategies.

If you want to find a way to "retain" your best employees in a post no "non-compete" environment, listen up, and then give us a call. It's easier than you think, and it costs more to retrain a new hire, than it is to retain your best employee.


Are you an Attorney, Accountant, TPA, Trust Officer, Insurance Agent, Property and Casualty agent? If you work with Business Owners, and their families, then you want to be at this meeting where you will hear about how to COLLABERATE with other professionals who work with your client.

We will spend the day on Thursday, May 16th at the Fitler's Club in Philadelphia sharing a case study that is VERY relevant in today's world. How do you handle the intricacies of the family while bringing together all needed advisors to work seamlessly?

Well, we will have 20-25 attendees from different professions, coming together to discuss the challenges that they are facing with their clients in 2024. Come join us, and network with some of the best in their fields.

P.S. The night before, we have a Box at Citizens Bank Park for the game between the NY Mets and the Philadelphia Phillies (@6:40pm).

Sign up below to save your spot.