As a business owner, how do you keep your best people and properly plan for yourself and your executives?  Well, Bud Schiff, past President of Mutual of New York (MONY), past president of NYLEX Benefits, managing director of Alvarez and Marsal gives his insight of over 50 years in this podcast about employee retention strategies.

If you want to find a way to "retain" your best employees in a post no "non-compete" environment, listen up, and then give us a call. It's easier than you think, and it costs more to retrain a new hire, than it is to retain your best employee.

Ever wanted the "perfect" plan where the company gets a current deduction when the money is paid into the plan, the cash grows tax deferred, and then the participant get the money "tax free"? Well look no further. There is a plan like that available. You just have to be willing to discriminate.

It's called a Restricted Executive Bonus plan and combines to different benefits in one. It has to be done carefully to meet IRS guidelines, but is 100% legal. Nice thing is, it's not carrier or product specific, and has the flexibility as to what type of asset you want in the plan.

To learn more, give us a call or check out our Executive Bonus material. We'd be happy to design a sample for you so that you keep your best people.