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  • Focused on your goals with solutions reverse engineered specific to you and your situation.





As the Grantor or owner of a Trust Owned Life Insurance (TOLI) policy, chances are that you have not reviewed your trust or the insurance polices owned by the trust since the trust was originally designed.

Is Your Policy at Risk?

Rapidly evolving developments in insurance products and features…changes in your needs, circumstances and size of your estate…changes in tax legislation… and recent volatility in life insurance company strength…all add up to the possibility that your life insurance plan, once thought as secure, could now be inadequate or possibly in jeopardy.

A Pro-Active Solution

If you have concerns about how the current market climate, new tax legislation and interest rates affect your policy and trust…and whether there may be newer, better, more cost-efficient solutions…you should be speaking to us, Insurance Experts. As specialists in Trust Owned Life Insurance, we have helped policy owners and their advisors across the country with these challenges. Our approach is based on The TOLI Expert System® – a time-tested professional process to specifically address the complex tax, trust and legal issues involved in the ownership of life insurance inside irrevocable insurance trusts.

Getting the most out of your insurance plan

The TOLI Expert System® employs a five-step analytical process that assists you and your advisors in making certain that you are getting the most out of your insurance investment.  Comprehensive in scope, it draws upon our specialized expertise and tools in estate planning, investment theory, trust law, accounting, and risk management.  Through this specialized system, you and your advisors are assured of a cogent and thorough process resulting in written documentation which sets forth:

  • Clear objectives for the insurance, and
  • Written quantifiable standards to assist your trustee in the selection, structure, ongoing maintenance and service of the policy over your lifetime.

We invite you to take the next step

Our professional expertise, process and tools can help you measure and manage policy performance as well as provide you with the documentation needed to demonstrate that you, as trustee, have complied with the requirements of the Uniform Prudent Investor Act (UPIA).  We invite you to contact us at 856.348.0252 to set up a confidential meeting to discuss your situation and any potential problems that may be hidden in your trust owned life insurance.

Click here for an overview: TOLI Review Process